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Social Media Marketing

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Social Media Marketing


Who experiences you or your business online?


Do they engage with what you are sharing?


How many of them choose to follow you?


How many of them click to learn more?

Questions to Ask About Your Social Media Marketing


Is there a purpose to the content you share on social media? What action do you want viewers of a social media post to take? Are y0ur social efforts contributing to sales?


What content are you sharing? What content are you creating? Is that the content that your most qualified prospects want to see? What do you want users to do when they see your content?


Who sees you on social media? What do they think of you? How well do they understand what you offer? How likely are they to go to you with their relevant need?


Is your business growing? What are the factors to that growth? Where do you feel energy should be put for further growth? Is your social media serving that growth?

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