Online Retail Sales

Sell Products Online to a US Market

Develop, manage, and market online sales channels.

  • Online Sales & Marketing Strategy
  • Online Systems & Ecommerce Websites
  • Media & Content for Products & Brand
  • Brand & Audience Development in Social Media
  • Search Performance & Online Advertising
  • Website Traffic & Behavior
  • Online Sales & Conversions
  • Customer Relationship Marketing
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1. Ecommerce

Establish an ecommerce system to suit your current and future needs.

You will need a website platform – WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, etc.

Third-Party Platforms
Amazon, Google Products, eBay, and other channels must be coordinated.

Your systems, in general, need to be as integrated and seamless as possible.

Smart and clear analytics inform your decisions as you proceed.

2. Media

Present your brands/products online in a clear, compelling, strategic way.

Clear and compelling text affects search and buyer behavior.

Good photography on a website is critical for success in ecommerce.

Designed content is how everyone online experiences anything.

When given the option online, people choose video.

3. Marketing

Utilize our creative marketing agency to design and manage ongoing marketing that drives online sales.

Be seen frequently and strategically by your prospective audience.

Inspire your audience to interact with you and your content online.

Facilitate online sales and other trackable desired actions.

Build and strengthen relationships with buyers over time.

Options for Engagement

  1. Retainer
    For a monthly fee, we engage as your partner, working iteratively over time to improve your systems, grow your brand, and drive sales for your products.
  2. Projects
    We also do flat-fee and hourly-billed projects. It may be to build a website, to set you up on an ecommerce platform, to create a video, to do a bulk of product photography and/or content creation and optimization.
  3. Walk-In
    Our “walk-in” clients are engaged on a continuing Terms of Service that allows them to request work whenever they need it. It could be a small task or a larger project. The clients are billed by the hour, invoiced at the end of each month (if any hours were logged in that month).
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