Broadwater to Speak at Upcoming Community Update for City of York

Jason Broadwater, founder and president of RevenFlo, will be one of the presenters at York SC Forward, which will give updates on the latest economic and community developments.

On March 20 at 6 p.m. at Sylvia Theater, Broadwater will kick off the event by presenting a strategic plan that was developed by York Economic Development Corporation (YEDC) that covers a vision for York, three working objectives for the city and much more.

Following Broadwater’s presentation, three action committee chairpersons will briefly present information regarding the development, prioritization and implementation of the projects that were developed in accordance with YEDC’s strategic plan.

RevenFlo is proud to announce that it not only has its president speaking at the event, but also developed York SC Forward’s informative and interactive website.

“It was a great honor for us to work with the York SC Forward project not only because it was a wonderful challenge, but also because it is my home,” Broadwater said.

To learn more about what the event has to offer York County community members, click here.

The purpose of this initiative is to get the community involved in the strategic planning process with the city of York in order to help develop and implement projects.

If you would like to register to attend and get involved, click the link below.