We celebrated a birthday, did our civic duty by voting in a local election, and brought down the Death Star. How was YOUR week?
RevenFlo Updates
Last week we posted a new Old Town New World podcast with Joelle Ryan-Cook. Joelle is the Deputy Director of the Columbia Museum of Art, so naturally, we talked about museums and the role of art museums in the community, as well as the events and exhibits the Columbia Museum of Art has going on.
On May 4th we celebrated Star Wars Day by defeating the Death Star that was casually hanging out in Old Town Rock Hill. So weird how no one else saw it.
RevenTeam Updates
David is a fantastic developer and all-around great guy to have on the team. This week we celebrated his birthday with fajitas, dessert, and really cool new glasses that we’re POSITIVE all the kids will be wearing soon. Also, note how well his “I voted” sticker complements his birthday sash.
Speaking of which, we also did our civic duty last Tuesday by voting in the SC District 5 Congressional Primary. Tommy Pope and Ralph Norman will have a runoff election May 16, and the winner will go against Archie Parnell in the June 20th General Election. Make sure to get out and vote!
Coming Up
This week you can catch Jason on WRHI’s Straight Talk, and we’ll be planning some upcoming trips to California and Las Vegas for video work.