Critic, Podcast Host, and Gameshow-Winner Mark Blankenship talks about the power of narrative. He explains how a pop culture obsession led him to criticism and creativity. We share our own relationships with stories and unpack what makes us all love them. Mark also talks about the deep pop culture knowledge that got him on Jeopardy and a winning turn on Name that Tune. He’ll also talk about his childhood experience, what landed him in NYC, and eventually Rock Hill, SC.
Mark was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He earned a BA from Emory University where he served as the theater, film and music critic of The Emory Wheel. He also studied theater at Oxford University and holds a Master of Fine Arts in Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism.
Mark attended Yale School of Drama where he began writing for Variety, The Village Voice, and American Theatre.
He has lived in Park Slope, Brooklyn since 2005. His writing credits include numerous pieces for The New York Times, Variety, New York Daily News, The Village Voice, The Advocate, Time Out New York, The Huffington Post, NPR and American Theatre. He regularly appears as panelist/expert commentator for CBC News: Sunday and CNN.com.
Mark and Sarah D. Bunting started the Mark and Sarah Talk About Songs podcast in March 2016, where they engage in deep and hilarious discussions about songs chosen by the hosts or the fans.
He lives between Brooklyn and Rock Hill with his husband, Andrew.