The City of Rock Hill will be holding a charrette for the hard-rail trolley study that is currently underway. The study is to see what kinds of economic development returns the city would receive as a result of investment in a trolley system.
Recently invited to join their Institute of Entrepreneurship committee, Jason Broadwater attends Central Piedmont Community College’s annual presentation to business leaders from the Charlotte Area.
Jason Broadwater executive manager of RevenFlo is to speak on Friday October 17, 2008 at the annual goal setting retreat of the Rock Hill Economic Development Corporation to be held at City Club downtown Rock Hill, SC. Jason will give the first part of a four-part presentation on the importance of and the current state…
Cathy Lowes serves Revenflo as customer service and administrative manager, joining the team in September, 2008. Cathy has 11 years of experience in communications and technology. She has an MA degree in English from Winthrop University. We’re proud to have her on the team. Thanks, Cathy.
Jason Broadwater has accepted an invitation to join the Institute for Entrepreneur Advisory Committee at Central Piedmont Community College for a two year appointment.
Bank of York has put together a Small Business Banking Team of professional small business bankers. Also, the bank has focused on articulating specific banking products geared to local small businesses. We worked with Bank of York to create a downloadable Business Banking Guide. This small business banking guide covers many facets of using a…
We had a wonderful time at the marketing seminar at the City Club sponsored by York Technical College’s Entrepreneurial Program. Susan Brackett and company do a wonderful job. We enjoyed participating, as Jason was a speaker at the event. Thank you to all who came.
What: A seminar on marketing Who: Jason Broadwater of RevenFlo, Bill Henson of YC Magazine, Tamara Lavalla of Lavalla Maddox Where: City Club, Rock Hill, SC When: September 16th, 2008 (6-8PM) Cost: None You are invited to attend a meeting of the minds where local marketing professionals will discuss different aspects of marketing. Learn techniques…
Web Marketing Nine:Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and OrganizationsDownload Full Manuscript A website does not exist in a vacuum. It exists in a community of minds and media, a colloquial culture. It reflects your core values and presents your ideal brand, communicates your value and details your services, provides a due diligence…
Jason Broadwater will be joining the executive committee created to facilitate a fixed-rail streetcar/trolley feasibility study with the goal of connecting Downtown, Winthrop University, textile corridor, and eventually Piedmont Medical Center.
Web Marketing Nine:Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and OrganizationsDownload Full Manuscript You can act, and there will be reaction. That’s never in question. Thus, doing something always affects change, but how much change and in what way altered and to what effect? These are the questions. The only way to know the…
“I am so proud of our new RevenCenter. I hope that our clients and team members alike love it. The system should improve delivery and communications drastically. We work hard to communicate with everyone very well, to deliver materials or deliverables in a timely and orderly manner, to facilitate all activity in and around what…
Web Marketing Nine:Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and OrganizationsDownload Full Manuscript Consider search and site experience. When I say search, I mean your site’s relationship with search engines. When I say site experience, I mean your site’s relationship with its users. The two are interlocked and synergistic. Your site’s relationship with search…
York County Bar Association hires RevenFlo to plan, design, and build a website that will be an asset of the organization and function as a tool for communications activity. Thank you for your business!
Web Marketing Nine: Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and Organizations Download Full Manuscript For businesses, professionals, and organizations existing in a local marketplace, Web IT is quite a challenge. The first question you may have is, What is Web IT? So, allow me to describe a services landscape. Many of my clients…
Use RevenFlo as your Web Marketing Department. Or, if your model is more suited for such, use us a la carte. However you want to do it, just make sure you use us! And you will be a more robust service provider with no infrastructure related investment. RevenFlo is your Time-on-Task Web Staff. We are…
Hear excerpts of Jason Broadwater speaking on the economic development goals of Rock Hill, SC, and the strategy of focusing on the Historic Old Town of the city to communicate the identity of the place and attract new citizens, patrons, and investment.
Web Marketing Nine: Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and Organizations Download Full Manuscript To achieve successful Web Development, you need: An understanding of the nature and significance of different major directions that lie before you A strategy for development (tool selection, customization plan, team orientation, etc.) A skilled developer or, more likely,…
Image via WikipediaJason Broadwater of RevenFlo, as the sitting chair of the Main Streets of Old Town Association (MSOTA) of Rock Hill, SC, presented to the RHEDC (of which he is also a member) a plan and agenda for MSOTA to revisit and reinvigorate the city’s existing Downtown Master Plan.
Web Marketing Nine: Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and Organizations Download Full Manuscript Design is about achievements in the visual. Strategic Design is about creating marketing goals that define what these achievements should be and why. You will need strategic design and architecture for your website (the next step after your strategy).…
Rock Hill Family Law attorney Michael F Gillen joins the RevenFlo community of clients. Thank you for your business, Michael. We hope to serve you well.
Web Marketing Nine: Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and Organizations Download Full Manuscript To create specific goals and objectives for the Web, you need a clear understanding of: The role your web presence can play in your business model Who you want to come to your website What you want them to…
Web Marketing Nine: Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and Organizations Download Full Manuscript A website is an experience for the user. Inevitably, the site is defined in the mind of the user – a personality of sorts, a cumulative effect with the “sum is greater” principle at work. Your company as a…
Image via Wikipedia The Rock Hill Economic Development Corp speaks to Rock Hill City Council about the marketing of Old Town Rock Hill as an asset. Jason Broadwater of RevenFlo serves as the chair of the marketing committee of the RHEDC and presented a marketing strategy for the Historic Old Town of Rock Hill to…
Image via WikipediaRevenFlo hires consultants to analyze and improve internal systems, such as project management, deliveries and release schedules, etc. We are looking at the Agile model and how it can be used and or adapted by RevenFlo to become even more productive. Yet, not lose the agility to create ever-evolving solutions for our family…
Web Marketing Nine: Nine Necessities of Web Marketing for Service Businesses and Organizations Download Full Manuscript It’s gonna take time. It’s gonna take money. (Just like the George Harrison song from the 80’s.) If you are not willing to give both, then you don’t need to bother with investing in the Web. Return comes from…
I’ve heard many people say, “I want to make sure I show up in Google.” And I completely understand why. Google has dominant influence on the online marketplace. But many may not know that being “in Google” is really being in several different places. Primary Google Databases: Google’s main index (organic search – free) Google’s…
As far as we know, there are three slots left for the Web Marketing course being taught by Jason Broadwater at CPCC Tuesday evening (6pm) July 8, 2008, as part of the BizHub Adult Education Entrepreneurial program. Learn more and register!
Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC, as part of its BizHub Entrepreneurial program for business professionals in the greater Charlotte area, presents “Make Your Presence Known on the Web,” a course on web marketing principles and strategies for small businesses and organizations. Instructor: Jason Broadwater of RevenFlo Times/Dates: Tuesdays, 6:00-9:00 p.m. (starting Tuesday, July…
Our corporate server went down Friday morning (6/20) and came back up Monday afternoon (6/23). This downtime affected also the RevenCenter, thus we apologize for the inconvenience to any of our clients who may have wanted to manage their accounts or use any of the tools available therein. We appreciate your business.
RevenFlo is hired by Signs Unlimited of Charlotte, NC, to create a new website. Signs Unlimited is a national sign service and installation company specializing in high-rise installations and large scale conversions, with clients including Bank of America, Wachovia, and more. Thank you for joining the RevenFlo community of clients, Signs Unlimited.
RevenFlo hired by York County insurance company to generate article content for company website. This project will not only provide well researched, substantive content to the client’s site (improving site experience), but will also improve search engine presence.
RevenFlo seeks new relationships with writers. We produce web copy, web articles, blog content, and press releases. Please email info @ revenflo com. Thank you.
Jason Broadwater serves the RHEDC on both the Leadership Committee and the Marketing Committee. We are honored to announce that Jason has been elected Chair of the the Marketing Committee. This committee will spearhead the Old Town marketing and branding effort for the City of Rock Hill, SC.
Thank you for attending. We had a great time. Jason spoke in one of the breakout sessions, and the keynote speaker, Ryan Allis of iContact, did a great job. We were told Ted of Life Raft Consulting did a great job, but due to working the table none of us were able to attend. Chris…
RevenFlo is hired by the Junior Welfare League of Rock Hill, SC, to build a new website and enhance web presence in general. Thank you for your business!
York Technical College has invited entrepreneurs from the area to participate in a DACUM to help determine the evolution of the business-related curriculum offered by the institution. Jason Broadwater, principle of RevenFlo, will participate as one of the guest panelists.
RevenFlo is hired by Gotcha Video Surveillance Security of Rock Hill, SC, for establishing an appropriate web presence. Thank you, Gotcha, we appreciate your business.
You use it towards the same objectives as you use other tools and resources: to strengthen your relationship with your community to enhance your ability to better service your clients The web is increasingly a key component of any business strategy. This begs the following questions? What do you currently do in terms of using…
RevenFlo is hired by Rinehart Realty for Web consulting, search engine optimization (seo), and web implementation. We are proud to represent such a pillar of the Rock Hill / York County marketplace. Thank you for your business.
April 1, Jason Broadwater attends the South Carolina state chamber’s Salute to Small Business Event in Columbia, SC. The event included display tables and 5 individual seminars/activities. RevenFlo is not currently a member of the SC Chamber, but we hope to support their efforts.
Jason Broadwater was inducted into the board of the City Club in downtown Rock Hill, SC. RevenFlo supports volunteer leadership as a way to strengthen our communities and our relationships.
RevenFlo works with Barry Grant Productions of Rock Hill, SC, on print and design projects for Rock Hill based clients, such as WRHI and Peoples First Insurance.