RevenTeam member Micah Troublefield recently co-directed an original short film named Corpsepaint with fellow filmmaker Chris Nolen. Produced by Strawhouse Pictures and featuring RevenFlo videographer and designer Chris Gervais in one of the leading roles, the film is about a metal band who find a dead body in the woods while shooting a music video and have to prove it isn’t part of a sacrificial ritual.
Corpsepaint has been making waves at regional film festivals, recently winning two awards at the Micropolitan Film Festival in Marion, NC.
- Artisan Award – Special Effects
- Craftsman’s Award – Acting (Ensemble)
In addition to winning these two awards, the film was premiered at Greenville, SC’s Counterpunch Film & Art Festival this July and will be showing at the Golden Hour Film Festival in Morganton, NC (8/12/23) and the Foothills Film Festival in Shelby, NC (9/2/23). We are proud of our friends and coworkers for creating such an entertaining and resonant piece of art. This is a reflection of the fantastic work they do for our clients every day.
If you are interested in seeing some of RevenFlo’s video work, check out our video portfolio!