Branding, Content, and Marketing for
Musical Instrument
Brands, Makers, Manufacturers
Develop and grow
your brands.
Create extraordinary
strategic content.
Drive sales with
online marketing.
Your brand is your identity. Do your desired consumers know your brand? Do they know your products? Are they positive, negative, or neutral? How well do they understand your offering and specific value? How present are you in their lives? How many people want one of your products currently?

We had the opportunity to work with an extraordinary new product called Chord Board. We developed the brand, including the value proposition and market positioning. We designed the marketing material to take the product to NAMM, and we managed a low-cost social media campaign to slowly gain some market awareness and BETA signups as we moved toward the launch of the first Chord Board product (an IOS app).
RevenFlo is a creative marketing agency that creates extraordinary content for musical instrument brands and products. We develop the strategic goals and objectives. We design and produce live action events for subject material. We produce videos, photos, imagery, and textual content for posting on websites and in social media. And, we develop ad creative for online advertising campaigns.
We design, implement, and manage online marketing campaigns as a full-service digital marketing agency.
How many people encounter your brands and your products?
Do they engage with the content that you put before them?
Do they click and come to your web properties / profiles?
Do they purchase?

Executive Seven
- Make a great instrument.
- Develop a great brand.
- Create compelling content.
- Publish content online effectively.
- Engage with your audience.
- Offer easy and fun shopping.
- Provide great customer service.